Hi! I'm Leo, and I tell stories using drawings, words, photos, videos, and whatever else the story demands. Storytelling can bring us together to imagine better a better world, and inspire people to participate in making change. It can teach us valuable lessons, broaden our perspective, and keep us happy when things get tough. I seek to distill the most important narratives, and then convey them in the ideal form.
As a College Scholar at Cornell University, I designed an independent B.A. called "Visual and Literary Storytelling."
I graduated Summa Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa, with distinction in all subjects, in 2020.
I graduated Summa Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa, with distinction in all subjects, in 2020.
I am currently pursuing my M.A. in Sustainable Design and Illustration at ecosign / Akadamie für Gestaltung in Cologne, Germany.
My work has appeared in Kitsch Magazine, The Cornell Daily Sun, The Cornell Chronicle, The Fourth Floor Magazine, and HOWL: The Voice of UNM Taos. I've exhibited at galleries in Ithaca, NY, Philadelphia, PA and Taos, NM. He was an inaugural Artist-in-Residence at ModNomad Studio’s Casa Minka Residency in February 2021, and was included in the 2021 Taos Center for the Arts "40 under 40" show.

Leo exploring the wonders and haberdashery
of the American West.
Thank you!